- The Rump was generally conservative. Most MP's wanted to promote Puritan "godliness," and to curb the excesses of the various millenarian sects
- Acts were passed imposing penalties on adultery and fornication - the Blasphemy Act of 1650 was aimed at curbing religious extremism
- Censorship was imposed in order to limit the propagation of millenarian pamphlets and a government journal giving the official version of events was published
- An Act was passed in 1650 repealing the statute that required compulsory Sunday worship. This statute dated back to the reign of Elizabeth I and had been a mainstay of the power of the Anglican Church
- In 1652, a "Committee of the Propagation of the Gospel" was formed as a means of controlling the appointment of clergy
In general, the Rum was cautious in implementing Church reform, making a few concessions to the religious extremists.
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