- It was the name given to Parliament after Pride's Purge, December 1648. It was also known as the "Purged Parliament" as it consisted of a small group of Independent MPs
- With the support of the Army, the Rump declared itself "the supreme power in this nation" on 4th of Jan 1649, with powers to pass Acts of Parliament without the consent of the King or the House of Lords
- One of the first actions was to set up the High Court of Justice, especially convened for the trial of the King
- Following the King's execution, the Rump abolished the H.o.L and the monarchy itself
- The Rum was in an unprecedented constitutional position. For the first time, Parliament was solely responsible for governing the nation
- There were no clear administrative guidelines for this new combination of executive and legislative powers. Much of its work was done through committees
- This frequently led to problems of co-ordination and communication, made worse because the boundaries between the Rump and the Council of State were not clearly defined.
The Establishment of the Rump Parliament
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