Absolutism over the Period
- Charles I's letters and reactions to them - 1643 &1645 - agreemen with Catholics in Ireland
- 1/6 of officers in Royalist army were Catholic
- Charles' intransigence and unwillingness to negotiate
- Influence of Henrietta Maria
This led to:
- Executing Charles - Man of blood
- Rise in religious radicalism
- Parliamentary victory
- Aboliton of monarchy, Church and House of Lords
- Politicised religious radicalism
- Major Generals - military rule
- Decimation tax to fund MG and Army
- Drogheda and Wexford
- Instrument of Government and Humble Petition and Advice - Cromwell allowed to pick successor after refusing crown
- Death of Cromwell - Charles II not recalled
This led to:
- Intensified radicalism - "Ideological schizophrenia" (Davis)
- Justifications of the killings in Ireland
- Martydom of Charles I
- Cabal and Montrose - crypto Catholic advisors to the King
- Exile in Catholic countries - conspiracy theories - French relations
- Dutch War
- Fall of Clarendon
- Baroque style of Court
This led to:
- Charles II dominated by Parliament
- Succession - the "elephant in the room"
- Lack of effective financial support.
1670's & 1680's
- Popish Plot
- Test Acts
- Clientalism with Louis XIV
- Increasing use of prerogative power
- Fall of Danby
- Prorogation of Parliament
- Whigs and Tories
This led to:
- Exclusion Bill
- Court V. Country/Tory V. Whigs
- Fall of Danby and Charles II's true colour shown
- Glorious rev
- James II's suspending powers
- Credibility of dates
- Nature of anti-Catholicism in Engand
- Modern day Church and Constitution
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